Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Week 52 - Best Friend

Meet Scott.  He has seen me through all my photography projects so far and, bearing in mind we fell out the first time I pointed a camera at him because he didn't want his photo taken, he has ended up a willing model.  My Husband and, most definitely, my Best Friend.  I love him.

A wonderful way to end my Project 52.

Signing off from wild and windy Scotland.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Week 51 - Traditions

In the run up to Christmas in our house there are movie traditions.  Scooge (which we love to sing along to), It's A Wonderful Life (makes us all thankful for all we have) and one of my faves, Love Actually (I still laugh out loud)

Merry Christmas!


Week 50 - Stones

Think outside the box.  It is Week 50 and the topic is Stones.  Couldn't really post anything else, could I?


Week 49 - Movement

Gymnasts moves can be impressive and the kids at our Club never fail to impress us all.


Week 48 - Seasonal

Christmas decorations are hauled out of the attic every year . . . with excitement and anticipation!  :-)


Week 47 - Nightlife

I am a member of a choir in Edinburgh called Sing In The City. I love going along every week for my 2 hours of "Me Time" but I realised at our Christmas Night Out that perhaps the members don't get out often enough.  Take a look at this pic of Edinburgh's Nightlife!


Week 46 - Night-time

Edinburgh's City Centre comes alive in the Festive Season (which seems to be getting earlier and earlier every year) with the German Market and Winter Wonderland.
